The Importance of Sustainability in Fertilization

As concerns about climate change evolve and rise in everyday conversation, focuses move towards long-term changes that can help build the soil and reduce environmental impact for the next few generations. Here at Wonder Tree Organics, we know how important the Earth’s soil is to all life on our planet – not just for the humans. Our dedication to sustainability extends into every bag or container of our organic neem enriched organic fertilizer.
What is Sustainability?
At its core, sustainability is the desire to leave the land, water, ocean, or field the same as or better than we found it. With this mentality, we can contribute to our future generations’ success; investing in our planet translates directly into an investment into our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Soil composition and sustainability
Plants, other animals, and humans all rely heavily upon the earth’s upper layer (also called the topsoil of the crust) to provide nutrition and sustenance. The composition of healthy soil may vary by location, and there are far too many components to name in one short blog post; however, the takeaway is that rapid depletion and abuse of our Earth’s topsoil is a tragedy that benefits none of us in the long-run.
While malnourished soil can be remedied, it takes far longer to reverse the effects of damaged soil than it does to destroy it – especially considering that unhealthy soil itself can cause problems like blight, erosion, dust storms, and more costly (even dangerous) problems.
Improving Soil Health
If improving soil health is beneficial to our topsoils, how do we go about doing this? What kind of impact can a simple home gardener have on sustainability? It may not seem like you can make a difference, but your family can positively affect the piece of land that you currently own. Take the concept as far as you’d like; some people choose to integrate permaculture into their landscapes, orchards, and vegetable gardens. Whichever way you choose to do so, accept responsibility for your piece of land and practice soil health sustainability right at home.
Using “Fertilizer” as a Soil Amendment
When gardeners, farmers, and landscape professionals mention amending the soil, they are referring to direct changes or applications to the surface or sub-surface that improve the soil’s health. The most common soil application is fertilizer, but there are many different kinds – and not all of them are necessarily good for the environment. Here at WonderTree Organics, we have dedicated ourselves to creating natural, plant-based, organic soil amendments that you can feel good about exposing your family to.
WonderTree Organics: A New Fertilizer With Big Impacts
Our fertilizers won’t harm your land’s topsoil. We carefully consider, process, and package each ingredient that makes it into our neem based fertilizers. Our team of soil experts has developed several products that address whichever ratio you’d like to amend your garden or landscape with. To browse through our selection of sustainable fertilizers, check out our store today!